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International Journal of Sports, Exercise and Physical Education

Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part A (2021)

Effect of saq training and circuit training on cardio vascular endurance among men kho- kho players


Jaya Rao Palaparthi, P Johnson

The present study explores the impact of 12 weeks SAQ training and Circuit training on Cardio vascular endurance among kho kho players. district, state, inter collegiate, inter university and national level and international participated male kho kho players chosen from kho kho academy at J Panguluru, Inkollu Mandal, Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh, India. The chosen N=33 kho kho player’s age ranged from 17-24 years as per their academy record. The chosen male kho kho players randomly and equally distributed n=11 into 3-groups namely speed agility and quickness training group [SAQTG=11], circuit training group [CTG=11] and control group [CONG=11]. All the three groups’ kho kho players’ measurement on Cardio vascular endurance parameter score were collected in the beginning and after the 12-weeks of Speed agility and quickness [SAQ] training and circuit training. The collected measurement of Cardio vascular endurance parameter was analyzed by analysis of covariance to find the significant in pre test and post test mean and adjusted post test means found significant post hoc pair wise comparison was applied by scheffe’s post hoc test at 0.05 fixed level of confidence by used statistical package of the social science. The study discovered that the treatment groups namely SAQ training and Circuit training group kho kho players run greater distance in 12- minutes run/walk cooper test when comparison between pre sore and post score. Further it was declared that Circuit training group kho kho players shown better Cardio vascular endurance performance and run more distance when comparison with SAQ training group kho kho players and CONG [Control group] kho kho players.

Pages: 26-29  |  1418 Views  562 Downloads

International Journal of Sports, Exercise and Physical Education
How to cite this article:
Jaya Rao Palaparthi, P Johnson. Effect of saq training and circuit training on cardio vascular endurance among men kho- kho players. Int. J. Sports Exercise Phys. Educ. 2021;3(1):26-29. DOI: 10.33545/26647281.2021.v3.i1a.23
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