Sujay Bisht and Pradeep Kumar
The purpose of the study was to analyze the Blood Lactate response among the 17-23 age group in a small sided football games of sixteen (16) male collegiate level players from L.N.I.P.E, N.E.R.C, Guwahati. All the volunteers are from football specialization who trained regularly for more than 2 hours. A randomized two teams divided for 8vs 8 a small sided football game. The volunteers were made aware of testing and collection of the sample technique. For the collection of the data, the variables selected for the present experiment was blood lactate level was measured using SENSA CARE LACTO SPARK and unit of measurement was Millimole per liter (mmol/l) for blood lactate level. To evaluate the hypothesis, descriptive statistics such as Mean, S.D and Compare mean such as Dependent “t” test was applied and was tested at 0.05 level of significant. The statistical finding reveals that the “t” value was 8.32 which was greater than the tabulated “t” value 2.13 at 0.05 level of significant. This “t” statistic was significant as its corresponding “p” value was 0.00001 which was less than 0.05. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected and it was concluded that the small sided football game (8vs8) showed significant changes in lactate level amongst the players.
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